I love fashion, things that are a little different, creative and beautiful, and as many other creative souls I have a tendency to "feel" what I want to wear, instead of just throwing something on. "I feel like being a superhero today! How can I make that work with what I've got, without it looking like a halloween costume?" You just want that feeling, not the spandex and the cape. Being a perfectionist, I'm not finished before I get that feeling of satisfaction, thus resulting in a lot of "involuntary" tardiness. My fabulous sister (also being too creative for her own good) used to be late, making her outfit before school. True story! In reality, we don't have time for that. So as a person who hates being late I wanted to better myself and find a solution where I could be efficient, without totally diminishing the joy I get from "playing" dress-up and feeling confident in what I wear (People whom are always late are annoying. Also a true story!). Getting to the point. I love uniforms! They look awesome, they're "comfy", make you look great and you always know what to wear. So I decided to create my own "uniform". For starters, everyone should dress how they feel, or want to feel. With some guidelines off course. Step 1. Who am I, what style do I like? Step 2. What flatters my shape, looks, and colors? Step 3. Make step 1 and 2 work together and for you. It's all about figuring out who you are, what you like, and edit until you find a way to make that style look good on you. You should go with your most flattering, but still appropriate color. For me it's black, which is also my favorite (Altho it's not actually a color, but merely the result of absence of, or complete absorption of light). You can't go wrong with black (Except for at weddings...), it's stylish, slimming and respectful. Other safe base colors for non flashy people are: Different shades of gray, navy blue, army green, black and white, jeans blue, brown, and so on. But please, be colorful if you're the type. I like my clothes to feel comfy, look edgy, but classy and laid back, with a hint of either tribal or futurism. Being Norwegian, our weather does not exactly scream dress and heals, so I had a hard time figuring out how to make it work. But when I found the perfect shoes, cardigan, and that super elastic skinny jeans trend emerged, my life got a little easier. I'm too curvy to fit into regular jeans comfortably and they don't flatter my figure. Anyway, It's so much quicker getting dressed wearing pants. All I need to decide is which top to wear, instead of an entire outfit. It used to be more like….what shoes, wich dress, what? …AAARrggg! I'm late. Now, I throw my jeans on, a cardiblazer (Cardigan blazer hybrid), fitted but forgiving quality top (Also in black for the sake of safe), a signature accessory (In my case a dog tag with my name and information), shiny Dr.Martens (Comfy and pretty. Even wear them with dresses), sunglasses (So I can get away with no makeup on extra stressful days) Yes, it can get boring, but it's better getting dressed for life, than spending your life getting dressed. On days where I have the time, but can't be bothered, I flash it up with a statement top, bold accessories and a hairdo. Your uniform don't have to be pants, or black, or minimalistic. It just needs to be flattering and appropriate for most occasions, such as work, hangout with friends, shopping, going out and so on. Be unique, but more important, be yourself. If you must, let your freak flag fly! (There will be more about body shape, personal style and colors later.) What's your uniform?
Jeg synes det her var så inspirerende. Har tenkt mer og mer på å skaffe meg en høstuniform etter det her. Dødslei av å alltid måtte tenke på mixing og matching av mønster, farger og snitt every freakin' morning!! Black og grey aaaalll the way, from now on. Liker bloggen din!
26/8/2013 08:55:08 pm
Så bra at du likte det :)
14/8/2014 02:32:19 pm
Your statement--it's better getting dressed for life, than spending your life getting dressed--really resonated with me.
17/6/2015 02:52:58 am
Hi, Mica. Yes, I still use my daily uniform concept, but I can change it up a bit. Mostly it's the same black skinny jeans, black cardigan, black Dr.Martens, and some cool and comfy top (white or grey at the moment). I'm not too into accessories these days, so I'm skipping the necklace for now, and changed the pilot style sunglasses to retro style sunglasses. Also, if I'm just running an errand, I might just stay in my yoga pants and wear some cool and comfy sneakers, but leave the overall look the same. If it's coldish, I'll add a black trench coat to that. But, If I'm going out with friends and have the time and energy for it, I will usually get my fashion on, and get into my dresses, skirts, blazers and bold accessories. :)
7/7/2015 11:36:48 pm
I have now updated "The Uniform" post, and here is the link :)
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ETHICAL AND PERSONALIZED STYLE, FOR A "GOOD FOR YOU" WARDROBE.Idealist style is a website and "slow blog" dedicated to ethical fashion and personalized style, including tips on how to find your very own "slow fashion" style by using color analysis, the body types system, and other slow fashion tips.» Archives
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