Wise words from actress Claudia Black. Personally, my first instincts are usually right. But then I start thinking and convince myself I can't be sure about anything. And then at the end I should have listened to myself in the first place. Strangely I never learn, I guess I'm too much of a facts person.
When designing, you're supposed to draw as efficiently as possible. But sometimes you need to change it up and take your time making sure you follow your passion, having fun and not only pleasing others. On this page I will focus on the visual and inspirational, beauty is therapy for your mind. The work on this site is mine unless specified. I will post Illustrations, fashion, photography and inspirational quotes. Everything that to me ties together as inspiration to be/feel better inside out. I decided to name my page "Idealist Style", because I guess deep down I am an idealist, on a creative and a humanitarian level. And I feel the title suits my message well. i·de·al·ism -The act or practice of envisioning things in an ideal form. -Artist who treats subjects imaginatively. -Belief in or pursuit of one's ideals, of high or noble principles, purposes, or goals. And last but not least! Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn. (Photos in this post are borrowed from Google. Unknown source.) |
ETHICAL AND PERSONALIZED STYLE, FOR A "GOOD FOR YOU" WARDROBE.Idealist style is a website and "slow blog" dedicated to ethical fashion and personalized style, including tips on how to find your very own "slow fashion" style by using color analysis, the body types system, and other slow fashion tips.» Archives
January 2020